The Guild Hunter Series Wiki



When an angel ascends to the next plane of power, in most cases to an archangel. It is however possible for archangels to ascend, as being shown by Zhou Lijuan, who after ascending a second time became the archangel of death. [1]


Characteristics / Traits[]

  • An ascension is always followed by a monumental phenomenon that is noticed across the world.
  • It is however possible to stop an ascension, as shown by Raphael when he stopped Illiums ascension. This however was only possible because of the special bond between Raphael & Illium, and also because this ascension was caused by the Cascade, since a true ascension can't be stopped.


- If an angel is too young and his body is not yet strong enough to handle the ascension, he will die.[2]

Known Ascensions[]

  • When Raphael ascended, every surface of water on earth turned the colour of his eyes.[3]
  • When Michaela ascended, an Aurora Borealis of rich indigo, vivid ruby, & iridescent green danced across the skies all around the world
  • When Illium nearly ascended, he was surrounded by golden lightning bolts that turned the heaven golden. [4]
  • When Caliane ascended, the sky became a cauldron of jewel blue alive with white lightning, and all the waters in all the oceans and lakes in the world ice-white fire that sparked and glittered.
  • When Alexander ascended, Across the world, metal melted, spiraled its way across landscapes, became frozen in strange and beautiful shapes. The sky flashed silver then violent gold with a flickering sheen to it. There was no night. Only a dazzling metallic day.
  • When Zanaya ascended, the entire world turned dark in a roar of silken silence as opulent as a panther’s fur and then the sky became luminous, while a melody beyond the ability of any musician to mimic filled the air . . . along with scents as lush as Zanaya’s night.

Known Angels who may be Ascending[]

Possible future Cadre:

Events in the Series[]

This section may have spoilers. Think of the book title as a "Spoiler Warning" if you haven’t read it yet.

0.4. "Angels’ Dance"[]

Story takes place 400 years prior to the series. — Michaela ascended to become an Archangel in spectacular fashion and enters the Cadre. Whether it was night or noon the skies danced turning rich indigo, vivid ruby, iridescent turning the world into a dream.[5]

1. Angels' Blood[]

2. Archangel's Kiss[]

3. Archangel's Consort[]

4. Archangel's Blade[]

5. Archangel's Storm[]

6. Archangel's Legion[]

7. Archangel's Shadows[]

8. Archangel's Enigma[]

Illium is growing in power in fast and scary ways. [6] Illium falls from the sky from his growing power.[7] Illium starts to ascend, Raphael absorbs his power before his power destroys him.[8]

See Also[]

Book References[]

  1. book 2, last chapter.
  2. Book 8
  3. Book 1
  4. Book 8 final chapter
  5. "Angels’ Dance", 0.4 ch. 16
  6. Archangel's Enigma, ch. 8
  7. Archangel's Enigma, ch. 26
  8. Archangel's Enigma, ch. Epilogue
